I surprise myself nowadays that I have come so far in my years and have experienced so many life changes…I guess I have made it to those wise woman years….I was there before I realized I was one. I think I didn’t really want the role yet; but after my mom-in-law passed, and then the passing of my own mama so soon after almost to the day, I realized I was supposed to step up to the plate…big shoes to fill…was I ready…I had no choice…I have daughters and grandbabies. It’s my turn. So what makes me wise….maybe its the births, the deaths, the Alzheimer’s, the bad fall, the long term marriage to my husband, the many years of reflections, the hard lessons, the getting back up and getting back into the game, no matter what….the most important thing: I learned to listen to the whispers of my soul—my wise woman essence.
Where are you now? Are you a late bloomer like me? Maybe you are an old soul in a young woman’s body, or not…share with me your thoughts. Have you discovered the beauty of your wise woman essence yet?